WeighBridge Integration
Loading of vehicles is always a tough task for manufacturing units, especially, when the goods cannot be packed in boxes and must be directly loaded in the truck. Often there are instances when truck drivers pilferage the goods en route the destination. Moreover, customers often claim that they have received goods in lesser quantity than what is claimed by the supplier. These problems lead to disputes between buyer and supplier, and result in deteriorated business relations, affecting future revenue.
Such manufacturing organizations need a Weighbridge Monitoring System that can provide visual evidence of the entire loading process, and act as a proof for the supplier, eliminating any scope of discrepancy. Telsol SATATYA SAMAS is perfectly suited for such application. Its ability to integrate with Weighbridge Software at database level provides visual evidence of the entire process, putting an end to all disputes.
- Improve Customer Trust
- False claims can be avoided with the help of surveillance recordings and snapshot attached with bill/receipt given to the customer as proof.
- Such transparent business approach leads to customer satisfaction and in turn ensures customer retention.
- Improved Productivity
- Smart integration automates internal processes avoiding the cumbersome process of manual data entry.
- Quick search can be carried out based on transaction ID and bookmarks, which makes investigation of suspicious activities extremely simple.
- This automation and quick search improves productivity, in turn improving business processes.
- Security
- As the process is automated, there is no scope for manual manipulation of data by any employee.
This provides greater security against fraud and makes sure employees abide by organization policies and standards.

SOLUTION - How The Solution Works?

The solution involves three cameras, one focusing on the license plate of the truck, one overhead camera to take snapshot of the container, and the third camera to capture the weighing scale. These cameras work in synchronization with weighbridge software.
- When an empty truck arrives on the weighing scale, a camera reads its license number and sends the data to the system.
- At the same time, second camera, which is placed overhead takes a snapshot of the container and sends it to the system, providing visual proof of container being empty before loading takes place.
- Simultaneously, the third camera captures the weighing scale indicating the weight of the truck before loading, and sends it to the system.
- All this information is then compiled by the system and printed on a single receipt, which has the following information: date of loading, time of loading, transaction Id, license number of the vehicle, snapshot of the empty container and weight of the vehicle before loading.
- This receipt acts as a visual evidence for the fact that vehicle was empty before loading.
- The entire process is repeated after the loading is complete.
- A separate receipt is printed with date of loading, time of loading, transaction ID, license number of vehicle, snapshot of loaded container and weight of the vehicle after loading.
- This receipt acts as a proof of the quantity that was loaded on the vehicle.
Thus, Telsol SATATYA SAMAS provides a comprehensive solution to make your loading process easier and dispute free. This helps you build your reputation, gain credibility in the market and improve customer relations, leading to higher business revenue.