Parking Management


Rapid globalization and rising economies all over the world brings in the need of smart parking management solutions. Living standards of people have improved significantly. More and more people are now able to afford cars. This leads to major parking woes, especially in urban areas, where space is a constraint.

Telsol SATATYA SAMAS brings a comprehensive Parking Lot Video Surveillance, which prevents people from parking haphazardly, parking in restricted areas, parking in others’ slots, moving in a wrong direction and gives real–time status of vacant parking spaces.

With all the advanced intelligent video analytics, SAMAS proves to be the perfect Car Parking solution to put an end to all your parking woes.


  • Prevent Entry of Unauthorized Vehicles
  • Vehicle Counting
  • Prevent Parking in No Parking Zone
  • Prevent Unauthorized Parking
  • Prevent Haphazard Parking
  • Real-time Data on Premise Availability
  • Prevent Vehicles from Moving in a Wrong Direction


Entry of Unauthorized Vehicles

Entry of Unauthorized Vehicles

With growing security threats, premises are getting more and more vulnerable. Lot of thefts and crime these days take place due to unchecked entry of unauthorized vehicles in to the premises. With no system in place to keep checks on the vehicles entering and leaving, miscreants have a free run without fear of being caught. This result in huge losses especially for manufacturing organizations, where large amounts of raw materials and finished goods kept in the open are stolen. To keep a tab on such incidents, Telsol Video Surveillance provides License Plate Recognition with Blacklisting and White Listing, which can identify every number plate approaching the entry gate and provide access only to the authorized ones. It not only prevents unauthorized vehicles from entering, but also gives you a count of the number of vehicles entering or leaving the premises.

Parking in No Parking Zones

Parking in No Parking Zones

People parking their cars in no parking zones such as near entry/exit points often results in blockade, restricting free movement of other vehicles, etc. Lot of time is wasted in finding the owner and removing the blockade, causing inconvenience to all. Telsol Video Surveillance provides a solution to this menace. It provides real-time alert to security guard whenever someone parks in a restricted area, blocking free movement. It can also trigger warning alarm or buzzer in the area, notifying the car owner to move the car.

Unauthorized Parking

Unauthorized Parking

With growing scarcity of parking spaces in metros and people owning multiple cars, most of the corporates and residential colonies have resorted to allotted parking. That is, a parking slot is allocated to a particular car identified by its number plate. However, a lot of people don’t adhere to these rules and park their cars in others’ slot leading to quarrels. Telsol Video Surveillance provides instant notification whenever a car is parked in a wrong spot. Its intelligent License Plate Recognition identifies the number plate of the car that is being parked, and matches it with license number to which it is allocated. In case of a mismatch, it automatically notifies the security as well as the person who is parking through SMS and buzzer. This avoids all sorts of disputes arising out of unauthorized parking.

Haphazard Parking

Haphazard Parking

Slots defined in parking areas often act as guidance for vehicle owners to park their cars and make work for security personnel easier. They also assure disciplined parking and optimum utilization of parking space. But car owners often ignore them and park their cars haphazardly covering more than one slot. This leads to shortage of parking space and other owners not being able to park their cars. Telsol Video Surveillance, through its intelligent analytics, can accurately determine if the car is parked in an incorrect manner and immediately notify the security personnel as well as the car owner.

Entry/Exit through Wrong Access Points

Entry/Exit through Wrong Access Points

People entering from exit/exiting from entry cause major inconvenience to other drivers causing jams, sometimes accidents. Telsol Video Surveillance can immediately detect any car that is moving in the wrong direction, and alert the driver through buzzer or flashing lights.

Premise Availability

Premise Availability

Often, there are instances when people drive their cars to parking spaces only to know that there is no space available. Moreover, it is nearly impossible for security personnel to determine empty slots in large parking areas. This leads to blockades and mismanagement. Telsol Video Surveillance, with its intelligent analytics, can accurately determine number of empty parking slots and provide the data to security personnel to better manage vehicles in the parking facility.